As a Conservative Councillor for Haymill & Lynch Hill for the past two years I have witnessed the failure of our Labour-led council on topics that affect our everyday lives, from pollution to education, from green spaces to value for money for our hard-earned taxes. Worst of all, their failures are hitting our children hardest.
Labour have failed on health. They have resided over us having the second worst air pollution in the South East, and one of the worst Healthy life expectancies in England - 10 years lower than our neighbouring towns. Our children and grandchildren are suffering, with record number of children coming into our schools with breathing difficulties. With 70% of air pollution coming from transport, Labour are ignoring Heathrow emissions as part of their environmental strategy and not looking to tackle the problem of cars idling around our schools.
Labour have failed our children. They have failed to implement any healthy school policy that works and supports parents. A third of children in Slough are inactive with record levels of obesity, yet Labour build over green spaces and are now threatening to build over more. More children in our town are having their adult teeth removed at primary school age than ever before. When it comes to education, school children of certain backgrounds are being left behind academically at both primary and secondary levels, and Labour have no plan to tackle this at all. Meanwhile, the number of vulnerable children in our town is up 25% v 2018. Their record on looking after children speaks for itself, having had Children’s Services removed from them in 2015.
Labour have failed on recycling and waste. Our rates are one of the lowest in the UK and fly-tipping continues to rocket, yet again Slough Labour fail to deal with the issues and are against policies to reduce fly-tipping & keeping our areas looking tidy and litter free. You only have to look around your streets to see that keeping Slough clean and tidy, and looking after our environment is not top of their priorities. We are committed to sorting this out – helping resident recycle more and keep their area clean and tidy.
Labour have failed on housing. 77% of the new builds planned over the next five years will be one bed flats. Slough Labour’s own strategy is literally turning our town into a commuter town for London, nothing more, nothing less – no thought or consultation for residents. The leader of the council himself identified last year that for too many years the council have been building the wrong mix of properties, creating a commuter town, which is preventing Slough residents from securing a safe, cleaner and brighter home.
Cllr James Swindlehurst, Labour’s council leader, has become so complacent that he is now taking residents for granted telling them he is able to do what he wants when he wants because they voted for him four years ago. Slough deserves better.
Cllr Paul Kelly - Candidate for Haymill & Lynch Hill