Cllr. Dexter Smith Councillor for Colnbrook with Poyle Leader of the council Lead member for improvement, and recovery governance and HR. Borough Councillors
Cllr Wal Chahal Councillor for Langley Marish Deputy leader of the council Lead member for finance, council assets and transformation. Borough Councillors
Cllr. Paul Kelly Councillor for Haymill Lead member for housing, highways, planning and transport. Borough Councillors
Cllr. Puja Bedi Councillor for Colnbrook with Poyle Lead member for education and children's services. Borough Councillors
Cllr Ejaz Ahmed Councillor for Slough Central Lead member for community cohesion, leisure and sport. Borough Councillors
Cllr Gurcharan Manku Councillor for Langley St Mary's Lead Member for the Environment, Environmental service and open spaces Borough Councillors
Cllr Ishrat Shah Councillor for Cippenham Green Lead member for equalities, public health and public protection. Borough Councillors
Cllr Mabu Shaik Councillor for Langley Meads Lead member for I.T., customer services, revenue and benefits, procurement and performance. Borough Councillors