Slough Conservatives today welcomes the news that the government is to introduce plans to protect private renters, so that landlords will no longer be able to evict tenants at short notice without good reason.
Here in Slough over 40% of our housing is in the private rental sector – so we know it is vital we do more to ensure that we provide residents who rent from private landlords with more security and protection.
The announcement today follows on from legislation the government introduced last year which means Landlords in England and Wales now must make sure their rented homes are ‘fit for human habitation’, allowing renters to hold landlords to account if they fail to properly maintain their properties if they are deemed ‘unfit’ to live in.
The new rules will also be another vital step in tackling homelessness - something in Slough the government is already helping to tackle having provided Slough Borough Council with an additional £348,000 in funding just last year.
The plans announced today will also see changes to court processes, so that all parties involved in eviction issues are dealt with more swiftly than they are today – again helping both tenants and landlords with security more quickly.
Locally too we have supported changes to support improvements private rental, such as the local landlord licensing scheme to be introduced by Slough Borough Council – and we are committed to continue working with government and the council to do more not only to give tenants a fairer deal, but also to encourage and reward good landlord behaviour, as a healthy private rental housing sector is vital for all in providing for a cleaner, brighter and safer town.