I have good news in relation to my recent survey and campaign to improve the road and safety along the St. Andrews Way.
Following our lobbying, the council highways department have provisionally agreed to:
- Extend the School Keep Clear markings to the end of the table near the school entrance so that visibility is not restricted on the eastern pavement of St Andrews Way.
- Look to replace the speed cushions with preformed speed cushions to reduce the potential damage impact without losing the impact on reducing speed.
- Refreshing the existing school signs to make is clear to drivers that school children are crossing.
- The Highways officer has been asked to assess St Andrews Way for resurfacing.
We must continue to keep the pressure up and work to get the council to recognise the importance of improving several other areas we highlighted, and I along with Anna Wright, Conservative Councillor in Haymill & Lynch Hill who has been assisting us with this, will continue to do that over the coming months.
I also recognise this isn’t everything, and that there are other problems we must continue to try to address – but rest assured with your support I will continue working as hard as I can for the area to mitigate against the failures of our local Labour councillors who seemingly have ignored residents calls on this for too long.
If you have any further issues to discuss please get in contact.