We believe that Slough deserves better than what Labour has to offer, and our manifesto is one which will put residents first.
Slough desperately needs an alternative. Labour, with their endless development plans putting immense pressure on our town, spiralling debt spent on vanity projects that don’t work and failure to deliver basic services have proven that they are not the party that supports the ordinary resident taxpayer in our town.
Our manifesto is about restoring a sense of pride in a town that residents love. They want their town back. They want cleaner streets and neighbourhoods, they want brighter green spaces and they want safer public spaces and roads. They want focus on the things they care about everyday – issues with parking, road safety and fly-tipping – things Labour’s manifesto doesn’t even mention. Residents quality of life must come first.
Our candidates are already working hard on the door-steps to help residents to raise the profile of the issues Labour don’t care about, and to try and get them solved. Labour seem to have missed that their primary responsibility is to residents – not developers or multi-nationals.
The campaigns we have launched to Save Our Slough Green Spaces and Save Our Slough High Street highlight two of the biggest failures of Labour in this town. Their broken promises on protecting green spaces have not been ignored by residents, nor has the failure to provide a clean, safe and fit-for-purpose town centre.
People have had enough and want change. Our manifesto is dedicated to working for residents to solve basic issues Labour just ignore, and on putting right the wrongs of ten years of Labour control at town hall. This coming election on Thursday 2nd May we urge residents to take the opportunity to vote for our viable and resident-first manifesto.
Lee Pettman - Chairman Slough Conservative Association & Candidate for Cippenham Green
Cllr. Wayne Strutton - Group Leader, Slough Conservative Group